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Fetching an Item

Each item in Crystallize is a custom-defined shape that can be anything, including a document, a folder or a product. Since the main purpose of the Catalogue API is to fetch items from the catalogue, that is what we will be covering in this section.

In order to perform these operations, ensure that you have the proper authentication (if necessary) and user permissions.

API Endpoint

As mentioned in the previous section, the endpoint to retrieve data from the API is:

Fetch a Product

The query below retrieves the basic data for a particular product. You can also retrieve the data for all the products you have in your catalogue.

Circle loading spinnerImage of a partial circle indicating &qoute;loading&qoute;.Fetching snippet...

Fetch a Document

Similar to how the product was fetched in the section above, a document can be retrieved in the same manner. The query below gets the basic information for a document.

Circle loading spinnerImage of a partial circle indicating &qoute;loading&qoute;.Fetching snippet...

Fetch a Folder

Fetching a folder is just as easy. The query below fetches the plants folder that is present in the demo tenant.

Circle loading spinnerImage of a partial circle indicating &qoute;loading&qoute;.Fetching snippet...
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