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GraphQL Playground

The GraphQL playground is an interactive UI where you can build and test queries you want to send to the Crystallize GraphQL APIs. You can access the GraphQL playground for a given API by opening the appropriate API endpoint URL in your web browser. (Authentication may be required.)

What Is the Difference between GraphiQL and GraphQL Playground?

If you’re familiar with the GraphQL world, you may know about GraphQL IDE Monorepo. The Crystallize GraphQL playground uses components of GraphiQL under the hood but with additional features:

  • Query history.
  • Different themes.
  • Automatic schema reloading.
  • Support for GraphQL subscriptions.
  • Configuration of HTTP headers.
  • Interactive, multi-column schema documentation.

GraphQL Playgound Overview

The endpoint URLs for the Crystallize APIs are as follows:

Here’s an example of the Catalogue API playground for our demo furniture tenant: You can replace the “furniture“ identifier with your own tenant identifier.

The image below shows how you can easily write your GraphQL query in the playground. Clicking on the play button in the middle of the screen allows you to see the structure of the response.

GraphQL playground query example Crystallize catalogue API

Opening the "Docs" sidebar on the right-hand side gives an overview of all the available functionality within the API, the arguments you can provide, and the structure of the returned data. You can refer to this sidebar for an up-to-date reference of all the data fields and types belonging to an object.

GraphQL playground catalogue API docs
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