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GraphQL API explorer

Every Crystallize tenant repository includes a GraphQL API explorer that will help you discover your API, test your queries, and display the JSON results. Our GraphQL explorer uses GraphiQL. Here we will go through the details on how to use this API browser.

The GraphiQL editor

The GraphiQL editor that the explorer uses provides :

  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Intelligent type ahead of fields, arguments, types and more.
  • Real-time error highlighting and reporting.
  • Automatic query completion.
  • History of previous queries.
  • Auto-Generated documentation.

Crystallize GraphQL API explorer

The Crystallize GraphQL explorer is organized into four parts:

  • The left has some pre-made queries to run every time in the GraphQL explorer.
  • In the center, you type your queries and mutations.
  • In the third panel, you get the response from your queries in the JSON format.
  • The right you have the auto generated documentation of the GraphQL explorer.

In the example below, you will how to get all the first folders of the Furniture tenant using children and the Item fragment to get the name, type and path from an Item.

Note: to get a better understanding of the catalogue API and learn more advance queries check the catalogue API docs.

GraphQL explorer catalogue playground

History of your queries

The explorer provides you a history of your previous queries. Click on the history button to see your previous queries, and click on one of the queries to view and run the query again.

GraphQL explorer history

Query documentation

The GraphQL explorer also provides documentation directly in the explorer of the different field types and query fields available. To access the documentation, click on the Docs button or CTRL+CLICK on a field to get the parent & child types of that field.

GraphQL query documentation
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