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The PIM API provides full access to actions that can be performed through the Crystallize PIM user interface:

  • Catalogue actions (creating, updating, publishing products, documents, or folders)
  • Order detail actions
  • Customer detail actions
  • Pipeline actions

Accessing the API

The PIM API is accessible on a per-tenant basis as a POST to but requires authentication via Crystallize Access Tokens in order to use it.

cURL Example

Below is an example of a query through cURL. Replace the Crystallize token ID and secret with your own Crystallize Access Token.

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Crystallize-Access-Token-Id: [your-crystallize-token-id]" \
-H "X-Crystallize-Access-Token-Secret: [your-crystallize-token-secret]" \
--data '{ "query": "{ user { me { email } } }" }' \
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