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Define a New Document Shape

Documents are generic pieces of structured content typically used to enrich the customer experience. Example of shapes can be article, video story, recipe or blog post. A document shape in Crystallize is a number of semantically describing components grouped together as a document.

Custom document shape

Defining a new document shape for recipe

In our product shape example we created a shape “ingredient” to describe a produce type of product. If you are creating an online experience to sell produce or groceries you would typically want to inspire your customers and have cooking recipes as part of your content strategy.

Recipes can easily be described as a document shape with the following structure:

  • Name: text line
  • Summary: Rich text
  • Picture: image
  • Directions: Paragraph Collection
  • Instruction Video: video
  • Prep time: text line
  • Ingredients: Relation
Information architecture recipe document

Defining your recipe shape

Defining a new recipe shape
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