Ecommerce Orchestration with Fulfilment Pipelines

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Once an order is placed in your webshop your customers start waiting. They want notifications on status and expect the package delivered or service enabled as soon as possible. To create great digital customer experience you need to keep your customers informed. With fulfilment pipelines you can build a headless ecommerce with your customers in focus.

Design Custom Fulfilment Flows

Your business is unique. Fulfilment pipelines allow you to design any number of tailor made fulfilment flows. Keep track of physical and virtual fulfilment or even manage returns.

A fulfilment pipeline can have any number of steps. Define steps that match the flow of your business. No one size fits all. Bespoke with ease.

Orchestrate Orders with Webhooks or Drag & Drop

Once a fulfilment pipeline is defined you can place orders. Every pipeline can have a default state that all orders automatically are placed in. You can use drag & drop to change the state of your orders. For larger stores you can use the order API to move orders from one state to another.

Whenever an order state is changed a webhook can be fired. This allows you to orchestrate orders and integrations with webhooks.